Unlock your potential for healing and connection
Find balance in your mind, body and soul

Are you tired of feeling like an outcast, empty, anxious, or alone?
Are you ready to feel connected, confident, empowered, and fulfilled?
At In Balance Counseling we help teens, adults, and couples who have suffered from trauma and feel alienated, alone, overwhelmed, and anxious to heal and begin to feel included, empowered, confident, and connected.
Our holistic approach addresses trauma, emotional barriers, and self-defeating beliefs, fostering deeper connections within oneself and others, restoring balance.
Join us on your journey to achieving greater balance, fulfillment, and happiness through tailored counseling and support.

In Balance Counseling supports people from a holistic, systemic lens.
"Systemic" refers to something that affects an entire system, rather than just one part.
We address the things that affects you both on the outside, like how you deal with society, and on the inside, like how you see yourself and the people around you.
On the outside, systemic issues are about the bigger things in society, like how people treat each other, what's considered normal, and how things like money and healthcare work. These issues, like discrimination, not having enough money, or not being treated fairly, can make it harder for everyone to be mentally healthy.
Fixing these big issues is important to make sure everyone can get the help they need.
On the inside, systemic issues show up in your personal life and how you feel about yourself. You might pick up on what society thinks is right or wrong, and it can affect how you act and see yourself. Maybe you've learned to be hard on yourself, or maybe your family relationships aren't so great.
These things can really mess with your head and make it tough to feel good about yourself and your relationships.
Dealing with these issues means we have to look at everything together, how you're feeling inside and what's going on in the outside, both in the world and in your relationships.
By working on healing these matters, we support you in having a fair shot at good mental health and help you to understand yourself better, improve your relationships, and face life's challenges with more confidence and resilience.